Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck, including particularly the ears, nose, and throat. ENT doctors are also called as otolaryngologists.
Useful for Laparoscopic surgery, Examination purpose, General surgery, ENT. Cold Head Light applications and any other application, which requires fiber optic cold illumination like BRONCHOSCOPE, SIGMOID-OSCOPE.
Cryo Therapy is a process of destroying unwanted tissues using extreme cold and inducing 'Thermal Shock' to cells. It is painless & bloodless. Adiabatic expansion of compressed gas (Nitrous oxide or carbon-di-oxide) drops the temperature of a probe tip to freezing levels and forms ice crystals. The ice ball formed at the probe tip freezes the cells and kills them. The probe tip is then 'Thawed' by de-freezing the tip and remove from the surface. Cryo therapy's benefit doesn’t stop wit its better curative power. It treats patients more kindly, spares them from pain and enables faster recovery.
Electrocautery, a process in which a direct or alternating current is passed through a resistant metal wire electrode, generating heat. The heated electrode is then applied to living tissue to achieve hemostasis or varying degrees of tissue destruction.
Halogen lamps bring out true tissue colour. Also assures consistently long-lasting bright illumination.Lamp/Light temperature is kept at 3400 Kelvin to further enable identification of true tissue colour. In emergencies can be energised by using Car/Auto batteries (using crocodile clips available with battery mechanics).Extremely small distal output with easy to use the focusing system. Hence easy to adjust and concentrate on the light spot. Even from a long distance can be focussed on the surgery part. This works to pinpoint accuracy level since the lamp has very good flexibility in any direction
The Technique of Radio Surgery involves the passages of high-Frequency radio waves through soft tissue to cut, coagulate, or remove the tissue. soft tissue resistance to these radio waves causes the cellular water in the soft tissue to heat, which produces steam, and results in the cellular molecular dissolution of individual tissue cells.
LED Spot Light Goose Neck Type 15 Watts Floor Stand For Clinic And Hospital Use. Available in Floor Stand Model FS 2012, Wall-mounted Model WM 2012, Table Clamp Model TC 2012, Hand Torch Model HT 2012, ZOOM DELUXE MODEL 2015(20W/10W)